Learning from the NHS CQC
During our years working for the NHS and the Care Quality Commission, it became clear that a new approach had to be considered to truly empower people, if they wish to remain safely, comfortably and dignifiedly in their very own home instead of in hospital.
In keeping with experiences from collaboration with Team Carita, it has been proven over the last few years, a care model is feasible, where the person was at the heart, and the care team making the home a bespoke hub of quality care that responds to their wishes.
The impact (during 2020-2021) of the Covid-19 pandemic on exacerbating the need for hospital beds in the NHS has only strengthened the case for hospitalisation reduction as evidenced by the domiciliary care commissioning demands on Team Carita in Surrey & Slough.
Your Dignified Care – a person-centred home care- has been created to address a similar perceived demand in the Midlands, starting from Northamptonshire.

Ida Ndungla Tonka
Registered Manager
I’m a UK registered nurse with over 20 years experience, including deputy manager in a care home in the UK.
Our Mission Statement
Thus, to satisfy, fully, every customer and in keeping with guidelines set by the Regulation, we will draw from our proven expertise and growing experience to provide quality and safe, proactive and cost-effective, supportive and responsive, care solutions to our clients, to enable them live comfortably and dignifiedly in their home.”
Our Service User Charter, our Pledge
Building on the groundwork over the years, we will foster a bespoke culture where people- our service users / customers- matter…
We are flexible and will work to their total satisfaction
We will involve them and their loved ones to design their very own care
We will give a prompt response to their requests
We will strive to protect them
We are there when they need us
Their care, their dignity, is our job
Responsive Care
Sensitive to Diversity
Safe Care
Team Care
Meet The Team

Clementina Bih
Care Cordinator
I am a qualified Care Assistant graduate with qualifications gained in ‘solidariteit voor het gezin’ in Belgium. I worked in Belgium between 2008 and 2012 as a Care Coordinator in a care home and in the community. I have experience in working with the elderly and vulnerable individuals. I oversaw the referral of patients from the hospital and ensured patients were getting holistic care in the community. I was also in charge of management as I created rotas and organised my team to ensure for adequate staffing levels.
In 2016, I moved to the UK, and I am currently working in domiciliary care and a Senior Support Worker in Liaise Loddon.
I specialise in working with adults and children with learning disabilities and mental health difficulties. This is a role I am holding for over five years.
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